5 Reasons Producers Should Engineer šŸŽš

5 Reasons Producers Should Engineer šŸŽš


From many years of experience in the music industry, knowing how to mix vocalsĀ can open up a lot of doors and opportunities!

Some producers make the argument that they don't want toĀ "record trash artists all day"Ā šŸ˜‚ and that's understandable but you shouldn't focus on the negative side of things and that you will come across a lot of talented artists as well

There's pros and cons to every industry butĀ here are 5 positiveĀ pros that come with engineering plus how it can benefit you as a producer ā¬‡ļø

1. It's Not Hard As You Might Think

  • Many producers will shy away at engineeringĀ because they think it's too hard. There are many websites that provide templates, presets, plugins, guides, and tutorials to help beginners get started.Ā You really just need basic understanding of mixing vocals and the right tools to help you along the way.
2. You Can Potentially Get More Placements
  • Engineering is a cheat code to gaining placements and getting in certain rooms. Engineers work right alongside the artists so you have direct access to them. If you're good at mixing their vocals you'll be able to get your beats to them as well. You can also gain relationships with otherĀ producers who engineerĀ and have a large artist clientele that will be willing to put you on.
3. You'll Earn More Money
  • Engineering should be a producers' day job. I don't mean this in every literal sense butĀ more of the fact that most producers should learn basic vocal mixing. It's a guaranteedĀ way to earn money as a producer. When you present your offer in the right manner you can potentially makeĀ THOUSANDSĀ online just mixing vocals šŸ¤Æ You don't necessarily even need to record artists and you don't need to own a studio either. Just have the right skills, tools, and branding thenĀ artists will reach out to you.
4. It's An In-Demand Skill
  • Lots of artists that buy beatsĀ will ask if you mix and master. If you do, you can gladly tell them yes and negotiate a price. You can offer more packaged deals this way as well. Even if an artist may record their own vocals they still need mixing and mastering done. You have to be mindful that quality engineers aren't always in the local vicinity of all artists and that they are actively looking for engineers online. Over time, you'll have artists that will always come back to you to have their songs mixed.
5. You Become More Valuable
  • The more skills you have, the more you'll find yourself busy with work and clients. This is how you'll maintain a full-time music productionĀ career. The most valuable person will earn the most money. You will also be more respected amongst your peers and even have the opportunity to teach others which will lead to another bag!
There are a lot of key benefits just from knowing how to mix vocals and many rap artists don't even require much for them to like your mix

This may not be something every producer is interested in doing but it won't change the fact that you'll lose a lot of money and opportunity byĀ NOTĀ picking up this skill šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø
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