How To Make Your First $1K Selling Beats 💸

How To Make Your First $1K Selling Beats 💸


I want to touch base on how you, as a music producer, can learn some tried and tested strategies on how to start selling beats to artists online!

Here's some tips 👇

1. Gather Engaging Content To Post:

  • Put together a catalog of photos, beat snippets, beat making videos, and tweet posts that solidify you as a serious producer worth working with. You don't have to have the biggest following but if you show consistency, value, and quality with your craft then more eyes will come to your page.

2. Start Growing Your Email List:

  • Many producers get comfortable with just making beats and selling them but fail to retain their audience. Building rapport through email can start a solid relationship between you and your subscribers. By being personal, giving deals, consistently keeping up to date, and overall staying in their faces the more your audience will consider purchasing from you.

3. Message Up To 50 Artists a Day:

  • This may seem like a lot for most but it is necessary when getting your name out there. By building up a large number of artists seeing your name then you increase the likelihood of coming across a potential buyer. Target artists who you hear rapping on your style of beats as it will help the overall outcome.

4. Send Links With Disabled Downloads:

  • Using a service like DropBox, you can create a catalog of your beats to send out to artists' emails. With a business account, you can gain the option to disable your downloads to keep your beats from being downloaded without your permission. This will increase the chances of making a sale if the artist has already started writing to your beats.

5. Invest In Advertising:

  • There's only so much work you can do by yourself so you'll have to make your money work for you. Invest in popular ad spaces like Soundclick, Beatstars, TrakTrain, and Facebook. The more consistently you promote yourself the more artists will see your name, check out your beats, and become potential customers. 

Don't forget that building up a loyal clientele takes time, dedication, hard work, and patience. As long as you stay in your lane and focus on your own growth you will achieve great things ✅

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That’s very important info that I need.💯




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